LITSEA CUBEBA: For Health, Heart and Home Litsea Cubeba, which is a small plant found in tropical areas. Its leaves are typically vibrant green with a pleasant, lemon like smell. The essential oil is extracted through steam distillation process from its small, pepper-like fruits. The oil has good therapeutic properties. Further, it can also be used as a stimulant & tonic. More than the oil’s beautiful, intense, citrusy scent, it was its versatility that impressed me. You can tell how much I appreciate Litsea Cubeba’s fragrance and therapeutic properties by the fact that I have used it as a main ingredient in many of my best-selling blends, including Alegria Essential Oil Blend and Energia Essential Oil . If you have been trying to use certain essential oils that you know are beneficial for your health but don’t quite like their scent, just combine them with a few drops of Litsea Cubeba – you will find that this wonderful oil can make ...